Medicare Advanced Care Planning Program

Medicare Advanced Care Planning Program


This activity has been approved for 1.25  AMA PRA Category 1 Credits™

Convert Advanced Care Planning, a Medicare service we all provide and usually without seperate reimbursement, into a

Profit Center.

The highest return on investment of time and money ever for a CME activity.




This activity has been approved for 1.25  AMA PRA Category 1 Credits™

Fact:  87% of patients want greater control in end of life decisions.

Fact:  88% of patients want complete honesty from physicians instead of emphasizing hope.

Fact:  63% of ill patients feel they have poor control over healthcare decisions.

Fact: 90+% of patients feel comfortable and desire to discuss end on life planning.

Fact: Only 1 in 4 patients have an Advanced Care Plan.

In January 2016 Medicare implemented a new Advanced Care Planning (ACP) Program accompanied by CPT codes for what previously had been a non-reimbursable service.  With that came a formalization of ACP with a goal to improve the quality of the end of life by giving patients more control of the decisions that were made about their care.  Misconceptions about billing, documentation, red tape that usually comes with Medicare reimbursement, and physician discomfort with end of life conversations have resulted in under utilization of the program.  Only a minority of patients have ACP and most feel they lack control as the end of their life approaches.  Those that do have ACP’s experience higher quality end of life as well as lower costs and reduced utilization of healthcare resources.

The goal of this CME course is to examine the ACP as a new service line for a practice in any setting.  We answer the questions of:

  • Why you should participate and enroll all of your Medicare patients.
  • What are the rules of reimbursement and documentation.
  • How to integrate the program into your practice in an efficient, effective, and profitable manner.
  • How ACP integrates into a value based care reimbursement model.

Medicare ACP is a win-win for your practice.  Following the principles outlined in this course, your patients will experience greater control over end of life decisions and the resulting improvement in quality of life.  Your practice will see the financial benefits by making use of business practices that will ensure profit.  This course focuses on a much needed service for your patients, that if done right carries significant profit potential for your practice. 

The course is brought to you using a “virtual classroom” that can be accessed 24/7/365 on any device connected to the Internet using any network.  Once enrolled it will never leave your account and will be updated as needed.  A CME certificate is available to you by download immediately upon completion of the class. 

CME credits provided by The Medical Society of Maryland – AACME Certified CME Partner




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