Needle Safety: Human, Economic, Environmental 1.5 CME
This activity has been approved for 1.5 AMA PRA Category 1.25 Credits™
Human: 600,000 needle stick injuries in the U.S./yr.
Economic: $1 Billion total cost/yr.
Environmental: 15 Billion needles landfill disposal in U.S. every year
Over and over again, education has been proven to be an effective agent for improving patient care and workplace safety. This course will demonstrate the effectiveness of education and training to reduce the incidence of needle accidents. It will also introduce Clinical Practice Improvement, which tells us that the most effective improvement comes from those who do the work. You are in the best position to lead improvement activities and reduce needle stick injuries in your workplace. Upon completion of this course you will not only have completed OSHA mandated annual training (29 CFR 1910.1030) but you will be empowered to protect yourself and make a difference for others by creating sustainable data driven solutions that work.
Fact: Accidental Needle Sticks are a leading cause of anxiety and stress in the healthcare workplace.
Fact: Providers who use needles in patient care are best positioned to lead improvement in needle safety.
CMEs are accepted as CE equivalents for most nursing licensing and credentialing purposes. CLICK HERE for ANCC Credentialing Center.
This course is brought to you using a “virtual classroom” that can be accessed 24/7/365 on any device connected to the internet using any network. Once enrolled it will never leave your account and will be updated as needed.
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