Certified Telemental Health Program 11.0 CME

Certified Telemental Health Program 11.0 CME


This activity has been approved for 11.0 AMA PRA Category 1 Credits™

 Telemental health delivery will grow at at rate of 40% per year over the next 5 years.

  • Up To Date Telemental Health Courses
    1. Professional Orientation – 1.5 CME
    2. Patient Practitioner Protocol – 2.25 CME
    3. Disclosure and Informed Consent – 2.0 CME
    4. Technology – 2.0 CME
    5. Legal Considerations and Compliance – 1.5 CME
    6. Crisis Management – 1.75 CME
  • Cutting edge learning management platform (multimedia, quizzes, networking)
  • Mobile friendly 
  • No expiration
  • Supplemental case studies and updates sent to you
  •  Cat 1 AMA CME Accreditation 



Full refund if not satisfied.


Fully Integrated Payment Processing




 Telemental Health delivery will grow at at rate of 40% per year over the next 5 years.

Telemental health is the use of electronic means or technology to provide mental health services by any mental health discipline.  It is not a separate medical or mental health service.  It is simply a different means through which a practitioner can deliver services that have historically been delivered in person in the mental health field.  Telemental health is discipline neutral, meaning that all mental health disciplines can use the technology modality to provide services. 

The research into telemental health has consistently shown it to be an effective delivery system for mental health services.  Some studies have even found that telemental health services may actually be preferable to in-person care in certain populations and situations. Children, adolescents, and veterans in particular, seem to especially benefit from the use of telemental health.  Telemental health is NOT the be-all and end-all in the delivery of therapy.  Nor is it for every patient or every practitioner.  Clearly, there are limitations.  The limitations may be driven by a particular practitioner’s level of skill or confidence in treating certain cases online.

The dearth of guidance on telemental healthcare delivery from leading professional organizations has increased confusion and left practitioners and the patients they care for vulnerable.  Studies have shown that less than half of practices are in compliance with current standards.  The very basics of practitioner to patient interactions need to be examined in order to maximize the effectiveness of this new technology so that our patients will receive the care they deserve.  The goal of the Telemental Health Certification Program is to provide the right knowledge so that we may concentrate on what we do best, treating our patient’s mental illness. 

This CME course is brought to you using a “virtual classroom” that can be accessed 24/7/365 on any device connected to the internet using any network.  Once enrolled it will never leave your account and will be updated as needed.

You will earn 6 AMA Cat 1 CME Certificates and a Certified Telemental Health Certificate


CME Accreditation Statement


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