• David Joyce MD, MBA replied to the topic in the forum Sabir Taj, MD 6 years, 4 months ago


    I wonder how you would characterize the efficiency of their collections?  What metric or data point would you focus on to track it.  In the next course you will learn about run charts and normal vs special variation.  The object would be to have a value that measures collection efficiency, track that each month in a run chart, and then de…[Read more]

  • David Joyce MD, MBA replied to the topic in the forum Sabir Taj, MD 6 years, 4 months ago

    “Another issue in many institutions I have worked with is that there are many barriers to getting the proper financial statements in a granular form.”

    I find this interesting because you are actually earning the revenue that appears on the income statement.  There are a millions reasons I would want you to take ownership of that revenue…[Read more]

  • David Joyce MD, MBA replied to the topic in the forum Sabir Taj, MD 6 years, 4 months ago

    To be honest, most meetings we attend as physicians have an informal quality about them. Conducting a proper meeting is like taking a patient to the OR. The more process driven the surgery the better the outcome. A meeting that is process driven, that abides by the rules of meeting dynamics all of a sudden becomes different from all the other…[Read more]

  • David Joyce MD, MBA replied to the topic in the forum Sabir Taj, MD 6 years, 4 months ago

    I think brainstorming as described in the presentation gets around shyness or uneven contribution.  In brainstorming everyone makes a contribution.  You go around the table and everyone must contribute and you write it on a while board.   I also like the brainwriting approach.  That avoids those who are not as confident in the public cont…[Read more]

  • Omar Zalatimo replied to the topic in the forum Sabir Taj, MD 6 years, 4 months ago

    I would agree with the prior statements. This financial statement is all over the place and does more to confuse than to provide actionable information. While this has been the method most healthcare organizations follow, it seems as though times may be changing with more realistic accounting.

    Another issue in many institutions I have worked with…[Read more]

  • David Joyce MD, MBA replied to the topic in the forum Sabir Taj, MD 6 years, 4 months ago

    Your BATNA is your most important negotiating tool.  Let say all parties took this negotiation course.  That just doesn’t mean you, it means the team that you represent.  Your team does its homework and understands that the market has given you a weak BATNA.  Let’s say opposing party also understands this as he or she did homework and und…[Read more]

  • David Joyce MD, MBA replied to the topic in the forum Sabir Taj, MD 6 years, 4 months ago

    Great observation Irene.  Here is my take.  I understand that we all work under an organizational framework.  I also know most organizations have a stated mission.  I also know that most organizations are not mission sensitive.  They rarely refer to mission in their decision making process.  In this situation personal mission oversized corpo…[Read more]

  • David Joyce MD, MBA replied to the topic in the forum Sabir Taj, MD 6 years, 4 months ago

    Hi Katelin, I saw your discussion with Joe.  Identifying the problem to be solved is the most important feature of improvement.  Spending time solving the wrong problem is frustrating and time consuming.  It seems you are identifying the problem os provider burnout and you jump immediately to a cause of clerical tasks.  You might fall into the mis…[Read more]

  • I am not surprised to find out that you are way ahead on the menoting front, Irene.  The one suggestion I would have for you is to formalize it in some way.  Create an SOP that formalizes the mentoring process.  Use that as a standard for all the mentoring done across your organization.  That way everyone has input into the SOP which creates buy…[Read more]

  • Welcome to the class.  I know Hancock well, it is the exit off the highway to go to Whitetail.  Plus I have spent many hours in Hagerstown when I coached youth ice hockey.  I look forward to the challenge of relating business skills that are relevant to your everyday practice.  One thing about what we do here is we give you education that tra…[Read more]

  • Hi Barbara, welcome to the class.  We are kind of neighbors, I live in Arnold and spend a lot of time in Annapolis.  We have had several students who work at AAMC.  I appreciate your pursuit for business knowledge.  You will find skills here in this class that you can use immediately.  Plus you will obtain the language of business that is so effe…[Read more]

  • Welcome to the class Reza.  I will be highly interested in your opinion on the place for business skills in rank and file physicians knowledge bank.  Your representation of a national provider group is a unique perspective.  There is a lot of viewpoints building up in the discussion boards supporting the use of business skill in daily pr…[Read more]

  • Omar Zalatimo replied to the topic in the forum Sabir Taj, MD 6 years, 5 months ago

    I think we have all attended meetings run poorly and some run well. I agree that often the leader or facilitator has the responsibility and the ability to control much of that. For the bad meeting side, we have a quarterly meeting with a small group where a few members often hijack the discussion. The unnecessarily long and unproductive rants…[Read more]

  • I have been inspired by several students over time who have discussed meeting attendance,  inattention, interruptions, timeliness, apathy, I am sure you can think of a million other issues with meetings.  The last one I received was from Sabir Taj, an interventional radiologist.

    “Most medical meetings seem to lack a vision and mission. I think t…[Read more]

  • Great comment Dan

    This almost seems like a strategy issue.  How do you respond to a decrease in cases and the accompanying reduction in revenue?  CPI and PDSA are really directed toward process.  Responding to market conditions needs strategy.  I would begin with re-examining the mission of your group and then considering the vision of what nee…[Read more]

  • David Joyce MD, MBA replied to the topic in the forum Sabir Taj, MD 6 years, 5 months ago

    I have a friend who I have visited on his farm in Kansas for more than 20 years.  He has had knee pain for several years and over time I had gradually noticed him doing less and less walking.  This last year it seems much worse.  At one point we were walking in a field and he caught his foot on a milo stalk, kind of like stubbing your toe, and he…[Read more]

  • Welcome to the discussion board.  This is a place to share your experience about what happened before, during, and after your knee replacement surgery.  Your words can bring comfort to others following the same path. 

    Thanks for contributing!

  • David Joyce MD, MBA replied to the topic in the forum Sabir Taj, MD 6 years, 5 months ago

    Thanks for the comment Banda.

    First thing you do is recognize the arbitrary nature of charges.  In reality it does not matter what the charge is as long as you do not use that as a standard for self pay.  You know you will never get paid the “charged” rate, but it could show up on a self pay because they have no built in discounts.   Don’t for…[Read more]

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