• Financial statements are challenging, especially if the data accuracy is uncertain.  For instance, we use a third party service that provides monthly reports in a cash accounting format and there is uncertainty that the data is actionable and useful in practice improvement and future planning.  Specifically, there is a silo between the practice a…[Read more]

  • The availability of financial information is variable.  Specifically, at the institutional level, full financial statements are not easily attainable, but portions are shared with mid-to-higher level personnel.  However, at the Departmental level, data is more readily available but is not always easily understood or actionable.  Specifically, re…[Read more]

  • Katelin Haley, DO replied to the topic in the forum David Joyce MD, MBA 6 years, 6 months ago

    That’s been a challenging ballance to figure out-how much does the front-line provider want/need to know about the financial word? Some providers get into an employed position to “not have to worry” about the finance side & just rely on a salary.  Unfortunately, that sometimes leaves organizations with providers that are not fully engaged in…[Read more]

  • Katelin Haley, DO replied to the topic in the forum David Joyce MD, MBA 6 years, 6 months ago

    I’ll admit, the first time I saw my organizations financial statements & listened to the finance presentation to our board about a year ago, I felt like I was listening to the teacher in Charlie Brown (“whaaa, whaaaa, whaa”). The information was overwhelming, seeing the numbers on paper was overwhelming, and not fully understanding it was…[Read more]

  • Most physicians started out with the personal mission of “helping others”.  Most physicians are altruistic.  In the past, this mission matched well with financial expectations,  if not personal life goals.  Nowadays, it is becoming more difficult to achieve that original mission for various reasons.  In the changing healthcare environment, we are…[Read more]

  • One challenge that continues to be difficult to navigate is the ability of the team to achieve optimal performance due to interpersonal conflicts, between staff members, that are quite subtle but real.  The result is pushback and/or slow adoption of improvement activities and even occasional ‘finger pointing’.  Most of the time, however, the b…[Read more]

  • I have been in an organization that embraced Deming’s idea of Quality Leadership.  Attempts were made to improve processes and involve all staff so as to enhance engagement and performance.  However, the organizational structure negatively impacted the leadership activities as there was a siloed disconnect between the leadership team and the o…[Read more]

  • Clement Banda, MD replied to the topic in the forum David Joyce MD, MBA 6 years, 6 months ago

    This for me was an eye opener to learn that intrinsic motivators are so powerful.  And in fact to learn what intrinsic motivators are. I already pay my staff above market rates and so I could achieve even more patient and staff satisfaction (engagement I mean) by implementing these intrinsic motivators which will not cost money.

  • Clement Banda, MD replied to the topic in the forum David Joyce MD, MBA 6 years, 6 months ago

    This is very helpful, Dave. I am in a similar situation and ever since I started the course I have been wondering how to empower everyone in my office. I can already see ways of doing it where I can safely empower everyone to make decisions in a way where such decisions do not adversely affect patient care. Ordering of supplies is done by one of…[Read more]

  • Randi Braman , DO replied to the topic in the forum David Joyce MD, MBA 6 years, 7 months ago

    We also struggle with how to empower the lower-level employees. We had a period of time where our office managers style conflicted with ours, and as a result she drove out many front desk and MA employees, some who were very good.   We kept that office manager longer than we should have because from a technical and business standpoint she was…[Read more]

  • Rob Klune M.D. replied to the topic in the forum David Joyce MD, MBA 6 years, 7 months ago

    As a young physician, I don’t have as many stories about my own leadership style in running a practice. However, I think back to the many types of teams I have been a part of and can identify many of the good and bad things being discussed. Coming from a surgery/trauma background, many of the leadership styles in medicine I have seen are more…[Read more]

  • replied to the topic in the forum David Joyce MD, MBA 6 years, 7 months ago

    Wow, what great discussion and comments concerning leadership. People want to be lead but by someone who is concerned about them and who will go to bat for them. From what I have read you all seem to be that type of leader. One key responsibility of a great leader is to set the vision for the organization. However, once set it has to be constantly…[Read more]

  • Rob Klune M.D. replied to the topic in the forum David Joyce MD, MBA 6 years, 7 months ago

    I’m fairly new to the business side of healthcare, but the thing that stands out to me on the homework sheet is the A/R section. The A/R days looks like it is staying in the 30-40 day range, which to a novice likes me seems high.

    On the other hand, the bad debt as a % of charges appears to be at a reasonable level.

    I’m confused by the Net…[Read more]

  • Clement Banda, MD replied to the topic in the forum David Joyce MD, MBA 6 years, 7 months ago

    It is most enlightening to read the contributions here. Having run a one physician specialty practice for the past 12 years, my experience regards leadership is limited to my own leadership style. I brought my personality to the job and let it become my leadership style and so far it has worked well for me. Without having taken a class, I have…[Read more]

  • I must say that Randi and I spend a significant amount of time doing “damage control” for inter-office conflict resolution (such as when the supervisors’ styles are different and sometimes clash).  Sometimes we get tired of it, but we keep our doors and ears open regardless.  We’ve learned over time to not be reactionary, to think about it, c…[Read more]

  • Randi Braman , DO replied to the topic in the forum David Joyce MD, MBA 6 years, 7 months ago

    Yes part of the problem was that the job was poorly defined because it has evolved as the practice has evolved.   However, she grew into this position because she is a go-getter, very competent, but did not understand how to delegate responsibility. She was also stuck in the mode of believing that leadership equals authority.   We  just sat do…[Read more]

  • Randi Braman , DO replied to the topic in the forum David Joyce MD, MBA 6 years, 7 months ago

    <p data-keeper-edited=”yes”>Betty nicely stated our most current challenge.  She has an MBA and applied much of what she learned 5-6 years prior to our starting as our joint venture (we “bought” the practice from my former employer, who went concierge) in 2008.  We formulated a mission which we hand out and remind our staff about maybe once a y…[Read more]

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