Basic Information


Karyn Tapley, MD


self employed (non-clinical 'retired' Ob/Gyn)

Personal Information

Healthcare Occupation

Currently not working secondary to taking sabbatical after closing my Gyn/Aesthetics clinic last summer, which then ran into Covid.  Looking to spend this downtime obtaining new skills and knowledge to allow me to move ahead in a non-clinical career.

Business Education Exposure

I first became an “entrepreneur” at age twenty, when myself and a small group of close friends opened a car accessories shop in Houston in the early 1990s, but had no formal business training.   We were successful for several years, but I eventually decided I wanted to go back to school (I come from a decidedly NON-traditional path for medicine) and ended up in Ob/Gyn. Since residency, I have been dabbling in real estate initially as an “accidental” landlord, then intentional, then passive “angel” investor.  In 2016, I opened my own solo practice in Gyn with Aesthetics but closed it last year for personal/familial reasons.  I have also been (slowly) working toward a CFP through the U of Texas.  I am currently in the admissions process for a decent, well-known, state (online) MBA program because I have no realistic access to a reputable brick and mortar program from where I live in Northern Washington state (plus, no one has actual campus classes at this time, due to the virus).  I am taking this course to see if the material appeals to me, or if I should be looking in another direction before “wasting” more money on things that will not get me where I want to be in my career.

Medical/Professional School

University of Florida College of Medicine, Gainesville

Undergrad at U of West Florida, Pensacola (Marine Biology BS – one of only 4 schools that offered it at the time)