• Stem cells, stem cell tissue products, amnion, umbilical cord, U.S. and overseas therapy, what is your role in the stem cell business and what is your opinion of the level of transparency of products promotion.

    Come back to the forum at the end of the course and tell us your reaction.

  • David Joyce MD, MBA started the topic in the forum 5 years, 3 months ago

    Take a second and introduce yourself to the class.

  • Take a moment and share an experience with stem cell tissue products.  Do you have any advice your those starting out?  Any useful hints?  This promising technology has the potential to relieve a great deal of suffering.  Discussion among fellow clinicians can go a long way to moving the therapy forward and providing the greatest value for our patients.

    • hello


      How are you today?.My name is (precious abba)I hope you are in perfect health and i pray that this message should find you in peace. It will be my pleasure to read from you as always. I am very happy the way God has brought us in contact with each other. But plea
      se i will love to know you more please write me to…[Read more]

  • Are you participating in the Medicare CCM program.  Is it profitable, is your practice losing money, are you unable to answer the question either for lack of knowledge of lack of financial data from your practice?

    If not participating, what is the greatest barrier standing in your way?

  • David Joyce MD, MBA started the topic in the forum Thank You!! 5 years, 4 months ago

    Hi everyone, as instructor you will find out a great deal about me in the class itself.  If you want more just check out the faculty page.  In the meantime I will see you all in class.  

    And no, I am not a quack!

  • Stem cells, stem cell tissue products, amnion, umbilical cord, U.S. and overseas therapy, what is your role in the stem cell business and what is your opinion of the level of transparency of products promotion.

    Come back to the forum at the end of the course and tell us your reaction.

  • Hi everyone.  OK so I like dog cartoons.  As your instructor I don’t have to introduce myself.  You will learn plenty about me in each of the training presentations in this course.  Expect to be old friends soon.  For my background check out the faculty page.

  • Thanks Matt, this is a perfect example of what we see in practice improvement all the time.  Your first line is:

    “Trying to convince patient to exercise regularly and eat properly is a continuing challenge.”

    Is that a problem or solution?  It seems like a solution to me.  What is the problem?  Practice improvement, CPI and PDSA are designe…[Read more]

  • Welcome to class.  Take a second to introduce yourself to your classmates.  You will have the opportunity to communicate with them in this discussion board as well as in Profile section where you can make friends and private message.  

    We are happy to have you all in class, the instructors look forward to following your progress and int…[Read more]

  • Thanks Matt, this is a perfect example of what we see in practice improvement all the time.  Your first line is:

    “Trying to convince patient to exercise regularly and eat properly is a continuing challenge.”

    Is that a problem or solution?  It seems like a solution to me.  What is the problem?  Practice improvement, CPI and PDSA are designed to…[Read more]


    This came to my email box from Matt Burday from Christiana, it is a great comment so I moved it here.

    First the purpose of the meeting. Under 8 decisional, over 8 informational. Don’t workup decisions with large teams.

    Most teams have decisional tasks and the way the meeting is conducted can be a value add or value minus. Formality is key.…[Read more]

  • I’ve been pondering some questions to ask about meetings…the issue of assignments is of interest. I’ve brought this up locally before….having members work on things outside of the meetings monthly….to engage members..especially new ones…but I can’t seem to get this to happen. I think it would help committee members understand the mission…[Read more]

  • Welcome to the class Erica.  Great to have you.  Did you go to medical school with your husband?  I met my wife in med school, she is a radiation oncologist here in Annapolis.  It is pretty cool to be learning together in a class despite being so far apart.  I will look forward to following your progress and interacting with you  throughout the p…[Read more]

  • David Joyce MD, MBA started the topic in the forum 5 years, 6 months ago

    This cartoon pretty much sizes up cost in healthcare.  It is the only industry in the U.S. where we feel there is a right to have the absolute best all the time no matter the cost.

    What is your experience with value based care and how is your unit approaching it.  The answer can be anything from denial to full on strategic thinking and ahead of t…[Read more]

  • David Joyce MD, MBA started the topic in the forum 5 years, 6 months ago

    We have been talking about the new leadership hire story at the local medical center.  Things heated up this week with 2 candidates undergoing the interview process.  My good friend called me an here is how here interview of the candidate went.  Her and her colleague were told to be at a conference room at 9:30am for a 30 minute session.  They bot…[Read more]

  • We have been talking about the new leadership hire story at the local medical center.  Things heated up this week with 2 candidates undergoing the interview process.  My good friend called me an here is how here interview of the candidate went.  Her and her colleague were told to be at a conference room at 9:30am for a 30 minute session.  They bot…[Read more]

  • Hi Allen, part of what we do is respond to most if not all of the discussion comments.  One thing for sure, we send a personalized welcome through the discussion board that you should receive as an email notification.  

    Here is yours. Welcome! 

    For selected members we have a special role “Group Leader” that will give you access to an act…[Read more]

  • I think that is why we are all here, to discuss access.  I see a problem on both sides.  Most physicians would not be able to make sense out of an income statement or even be fluent enough in finance to carry on an effective conversation.  Words are important, just like in medicine.

    Second, most financial information is kept away from the pr…[Read more]

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