• David Joyce MD, MBA started the topic in the forum 4 years, 7 months ago

    What is your experience with Advanced Care Planning in your practice?  Do you have a formalized practice?  Is it every provider for themselves?  Do you view it as a profit opportunity?  Do you see value in it as a practice activity?  Do you have a “best Practice” to share?

  • This is from Lana a recent student:

    “This is a good education starting point. I would like to have seen more videos from the doctor related to side effects and adverse effects to having stem cell infusions. As of now many practitioners are advertising that they are offering stem cells infusions and stating it can cure many diseases. Of course I…[Read more]

  • Do you have a formal mentoring program in you practice for new hires?  Did you get mentored and if so what was the value to you? 

  • Do you have a process in your practice or practice unit for large capital expenditures.  How do you decide on bring on a new provider?  What goes into the acquisition of new technology?  I am looking at the process from idea to purchase.  Who makes the decision, what is the basis for the decision?

  • David Joyce MD, MBA started the topic in the forum 4 years, 8 months ago

    Think about your prescription process.  I was a write and forget.  I assumed everyone took their meds.  What are you doing at the present time with respect to medication adherence and compliance?  Is their anything special in your prescribing process that draws attention to this issue?

  • Think about your prescription process.  I was a write and forget.  I assumed everyone took their meds.  What are you doing at the present time with respect to medication adherence and compliance?  Is their anything special in your prescribing process that draws attention to this issue?

  • Please introduce yourself to the class.  It is always nice to know who is in class with you.

  • David Joyce MD, MBA started the topic in the forum 4 years, 8 months ago

    Please introduce yourself to the class.  It is always good to share a little about yourself with your classmates.

  • David Joyce MD, MBA started the topic in the forum 4 years, 8 months ago

    Do you spend any time thinking about patient engagement?  Is it something discussed in your practice?  What do you do to improve engagement among your patients? 

    Understandably maybe you are too busy to even worry about it.  I know, there were many days I was just worried about getting through the schedule and not making a mistake.  We cons…[Read more]

  • David Joyce MD, MBA started the topic in the forum 4 years, 8 months ago

    Welcome to the class.  I must admit, when I was in practice I felt my responsibility ended after I had written the prescription.  I believed it was my job to figure out the diagnosis,and propose a solution.  It was on the patient to carry out the solution, take their medicine.  I assumed most people did.  You are at the beginning of the cour…[Read more]

  • David Joyce MD, MBA started the topic in the forum 4 years, 9 months ago

    As you continue your career you shall be involved in capital budgeting decisions.  At my practice, at the end of the year we looked at how much money we had and then decided what to buy.  One year it was a mammogram machine to implement a new service line that we thought would be profitable for us and engage our patients.  The decision took ab…[Read more]

  • David Joyce MD, MBA started the topic in the forum 4 years, 9 months ago

    What do you think about variations.  My first practice locations was Ft. Hood In Texas.  There were 10 OB/GYNs in the practice, all trained at different places with different ways of doing the same thing.  I thought it would be a great environment because I could learn from them.  Was that the best for the patients?  How about costs, what effe…[Read more]

  • David Joyce MD, MBA started the topic in the forum 4 years, 9 months ago

    Has the concept of Value Based Care been introduced to you?  What have you heard?  How do you connect financial decision making with a volume to value change?  What are your thoughts about how this concept will affect your life as a physician?

  • Hi Gretchen.  As we say in the course, empirical data is extremely important.  It represents where the rubber hits the road because those are the results you see right in front of you.  Clinical trials get us to pay attention to a particular treatment but it is what happens in front of us that really makes the difference.  Problem is the emp…[Read more]

  • Welcome Stephanie

    It is our pleasure to have someone with so much practical experience in the class.  Empirical evidence is a very important factor in choosing therapy for patients.  Data driven, double blind, clinical trails from academic medical centers are important but empirical evidence stands strong as well.

  • David Joyce MD, MBA started the topic in the forum 4 years, 10 months ago

    I would love to hear you current opinion of stem cells and who have influencd that opinion:

    • Healthcare provider
    • Manufacturer literature
    • Media
    • Other
  • I know this has nothing to do with Capital but I like dog cartoons.

    Describe the capital budgeting process in your organization.  Is it fair?  What are the metrics used to characterize the financial elements of the purchase?  Is the process transparent?

  • Seeing a written out, organized business plan in any healthcare setting is like seeing a unicorn in the middle of the road on your way home.  They exist, but rarely are they shared with the medical staff even though it is you who will be performing under that plan.   As a provider, when admin comes in to begin a new service line or make a ca…[Read more]

  • Welcome to the Class.

    Think about leaders you have worked with.  If you could describe the good leader do so.  It might be a little more fun and instructive to describe the not so good leadership.  No identifiers please, either way.  What could the not so good one do to improve?

  • Let’s begin with a short introduction so that we can all get to know each other.

    What is you experience with Advanced Care Planning and Medicare’s new CPT codes.  Has it become a routine part of your practice?  Do you view it as a profitable activity?  What is the process to provide this service in your practice?

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