Clement Banda, MD replied to the topic in the forum Clement Banda, MD 6 years, 7 months ago
To Dr. Taj’s possible solution of “A way to measure time and RVU is to allot RVU value to 10 mins of time. Then time spent when not reading cases can be adjusted to RVU”
Whereas I totally sympathize with the issue at hand, this suggestion is probably not quite workable. RVU are determined nationally at CMS. Hence, paracentesis under imaging…[Read more]
Clement Banda, MD replied to the topic in the forum Clement Banda, MD 6 years, 10 months ago
I’m afraid this looks like my financial statement which has always been available to me but I never really understood the importance of the various components. I suspect this is a procedural practice where the allowables can be really high with one payer and not so much with another. When you do not have a dedicated billing outfit, the easiest way…[Read more]
Clement Banda, MD replied to the topic in the forum Clement Banda, MD 6 years, 12 months ago
This for me was an eye opener to learn that intrinsic motivators are so powerful. And in fact to learn what intrinsic motivators are. I already pay my staff above market rates and so I could achieve even more patient and staff satisfaction (engagement I mean) by implementing these intrinsic motivators which will not cost money.
Clement Banda, MD replied to the topic in the forum Clement Banda, MD 6 years, 12 months ago
This is very helpful, Dave. I am in a similar situation and ever since I started the course I have been wondering how to empower everyone in my office. I can already see ways of doing it where I can safely empower everyone to make decisions in a way where such decisions do not adversely affect patient care. Ordering of supplies is done by one of…[Read more]
Clement Banda, MD replied to the topic in the forum Clement Banda, MD 7 years ago
It is most enlightening to read the contributions here. Having run a one physician specialty practice for the past 12 years, my experience regards leadership is limited to my own leadership style. I brought my personality to the job and let it become my leadership style and so far it has worked well for me. Without having taken a class, I have…[Read more]
Clement Banda, MD are now friends 7 years ago
David Joyce MD, MBA and
Clement Banda, MD are now friends 7 years ago
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Clement Banda, MD became a registered member 7 years ago