Daniel J Meara, MD, DMD replied to the topic in the forum Daniel J Meara, MD, DMD 6 years, 10 months ago
In an ideal world, the negotiation creates value for both parties, but the BATNA is clearly variable in certain situations, especially those when the negotiation table is tipped in-favor of the other party. Specifically, we have a faculty position that requires a highly specialized provider to fill the role and the market for this type of…[Read more]
Daniel J Meara, MD, DMD replied to the topic in the forum Daniel J Meara, MD, DMD 6 years, 10 months ago
Financial statements are challenging, especially if the data accuracy is uncertain. For instance, we use a third party service that provides monthly reports in a cash accounting format and there is uncertainty that the data is actionable and useful in practice improvement and future planning. Specifically, there is a silo between the practice a…[Read more]
Daniel J Meara, MD, DMD replied to the topic in the forum Daniel J Meara, MD, DMD 6 years, 10 months ago
The availability of financial information is variable. Specifically, at the institutional level, full financial statements are not easily attainable, but portions are shared with mid-to-higher level personnel. However, at the Departmental level, data is more readily available but is not always easily understood or actionable. Specifically, re…[Read more]
Daniel J Meara, MD, DMD's profile was updated 6 years, 11 months ago
Daniel J Meara, MD, DMD started the topic in the forum Quality Leadership Discussion Forum 6 years, 12 months ago
One challenge that continues to be difficult to navigate is the ability of the team to achieve optimal performance due to interpersonal conflicts, between staff members, that are quite subtle but real. The result is pushback and/or slow adoption of improvement activities and even occasional ‘finger pointing’. Most of the time, however, the b…[Read more]
Daniel J Meara, MD, DMD replied to the topic Welcome to the Discussion Forum in the forum Quality Leadership Discussion Forum 6 years, 12 months ago
I have been in an organization that embraced Deming’s idea of Quality Leadership. Attempts were made to improve processes and involve all staff so as to enhance engagement and performance. However, the organizational structure negatively impacted the leadership activities as there was a siloed disconnect between the leadership team and the o…[Read more]
Daniel J Meara, MD, DMD are now friends 7 years ago
David Joyce MD, MBA and
Daniel J Meara, MD, DMD are now friends 7 years ago
Daniel J Meara, MD, DMD became a registered member 7 years ago