Reimbursement and Contracts 1.25 CME

Reimbursement and Contracts 1.25 CME


This course concentrates on the rules that insure you are reimbursed fairly for the work you do.



This course concentrates on the rules that insure you are reimbursed fairly for the work you do.  There is no one who will be more concerned about how you are reimbursed and the details of your contract than you.  Healthcare reimbursement is becoming increasingly complex.  It is also the key to your ability to bring high quality care to your patients, while at the same time ensuring a sustainable practice environment.   Leaving those details to others because it is too complicated or time consuming can have adverse consequences.  This course will take your through how healthcare providers are reimbursed.  It then looks at the feature individual production based compensation contracts so that you will be able to negotiate successfully to create a fair compensation, a detail that is very important to you and your family.  We all work very hard in our practices, let make sure we all are compensated fairly for that work.

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