Healthcare Financial Statements 1.25
This activity has been approved for 1.25 AMA PRA Category 1 Credits™
This course will allow you to understand the financial information that is gathered in your practice so that you may allocate resources to better care for your patients. Financial decision making in your healthcare organization, no matter the size, has a major impact on the quality of care your patients receive. Before any decision can be made it is imperative to know what resources are available. The financial statements communicate this information to you. They provide actionable information which you can use to take an active role in the decision making process. With this CME activity, you will acquire the skill of understanding and evaluating the financial inner workings of your organization or the organization you may soon be joining. Purchasing new equipment, hiring another physician, budgeting, resource allocation, it all begins here with the financial statements. Good decision making begins with sound financial information. Pre and post testing, video presentations and interactive discussion with colleagues will enhance your learning experience.